Musim Mas

Sustainability Policy and NDPE Roadmap

In 2020, Musim Mas renewed its commitment to enhancing the livelihoods of smallholders, workers, and communities while maintaining a strict stance on NDPE. The updated policy applies to the company’s global operations and third-party partnerships, including suppliers and contractors.

Improve the Lives of Smallholders, Workers, and Communities

Deliver Positive Environmental Impacts

Maintain Responsible and Enduring Relationships with Suppliers, Customers, and Stakeholders

Drive Innovation in Sustainable Practices

SAM55791 Large

Reports and Ratings

As a responsible palm oil company, we are under significant public scrutiny on the environmental and social impacts of our business.​
While we are a private company, we have been publishing our Sustainability Reports annually since 2017. ​
Our performance is also benchmarked or rated by the different ESG rating providers.

Certifications and Verifications

Musim Mas strives to conform to the most stringent sustainability standards. We aim to ensure that our operations which are directly owned and managed, are compliant with leading palm oil certification standards, and schemes.

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Smallholders account for 40% of the global palm oil production, and are an important stakeholder essential to sustainable development. We aim to integrate independent smallholders into sustainable palm oil supply chains through this program.

Responsible Sourcing

Third parties supply approximately 90% of the palm oil that we trade and process. We invest significant resources to trace the source of our oil and to support our suppliers in adhering to our Sustainability Policy. We focus on positive engagement by delivering tailored solutions and technical assistance to build our suppliers’ capacity and enhance their NDPE performance.

Partnerships and Collaboration​

To achieve real transformation on the ground, we must look beyond our own supply chains and work together with all stakeholders across the palm oil sector to tackle issues that impact both our industry and the global landscape at large.

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Positive Environmental Impacts

We are committed to maintaining the ecological integrity​ of our plantations and surrounding areas, and to mitigate or minimize any adverse impacts of operations on the environment or neighbouring communities.

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Conservation and Restoration

We are committed to zero conversion of natural ecosystems in our operations

Fire Management and Prevention

Our fire prevention, monitoring, and management efforts are guided by our supply base, split across three domains: our operations, third-party suppliers, and independent smallholders.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

We are committed to operating in a manner that minimizes our net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

No Deforestation, No Peat

We have made specific commitments to No Deforestation of High Conservation Value (HCV) areas and High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests, as well as no new plantings on peatlands, regardless of depth.​

Labour and Human Rights

Musim Mas upholds human rights standards and labour practices, guided by international organizations such as ILO, UN, and FAO. The well-being of our workers and local communities where we operate in are of utmost importance to us.


Our website outlines the grievance mechanism for resolving compliance grievances and disputes with Musim Mas Group and third-party suppliers.

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